Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Few secrets to Happiness

Living in Mumbai, I go through the same turmoils like million of other inhabitants of the city and have to keep a high demanding corporate job plus being a single father takes on a extra toll.
So how do I keep going, sincerely I just keep balls in the air OR I just do it (Ala Nike). Amid all this how do i keep happy. Here are list of few things that work for me:
1. Keep good and positive human company.
2. With job, stick to priority tasks seconded by tasks that you love.
3. Do a good job and avoid office politics.
4. Keep an eye on the finance and budget.
5. Engage in physical activity e.g. jogging, swimming, tennis for at least four times in a week, 1 hour each plus take stairs in the workplace.
6. Take time out for yourself at least 10 minutes everyday, do meditation or pranayam.
7. Flexible approach but keep taking decisions (you don't want things to snowball)
8. Keep TV to minimum, only watch at max. 0.5 hr. of comedy, music/reality or Gk related shows.
9. Eat small servings of healthy food preferably vegetarian.
10. Engage in small acts of charity one in a while. Associate yourself with at least one bigger cause.

The above listed acts seems to keep things going for me. Beside, happiness there are few secrets to true happiness which i will list on my next post. I sincerely they really work for you.

Cheers and Smile.

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