I am soon going to annouce this bog to me friends and colleagues.
All sugegston for changes and improvement are welcome at my email id: sanjay2003sg@rediffmail.com.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Value based management in current corporate environment
Wrote a whole 90 page thesis during my MBA days on value based management in telecommunciations technology and service companies e.g. Nokia
Wrote an article recently on my learning form those days fitting the current market environment......
The Mumbai stock market BSE index which was 20300 on January 1, 2008 dipped to 9903 on January 1, 2009. The market having witnessed the sharp correction is now bravely fighting the corporate scandals.
The market which corrected the euphoria of accounting earning increases and excess capital inflow have to now tackle with the corporate managers solely focused on keeping quarterly earning increase as high as possible to prove that they are the best stewards of the company’s assets.
The market refused to be deceived in the past by accounting techniques to improve earnings and took the sophisticated approach of associating improved long term cash flow with respective share prices and responded with the due correction in share prices.
Now, there might be number of other companies who may take hint from Satyam and try to write off bad investments, despite the negative short term earnings impact. In such cases, the market shall not arbitrarily penalize companies but understand the value drivers of these companies (both over time and compared with other companies), which can help develop insights into the free cash flow generation and likely value creation in future.
The corporate executives shall also overcome the limitations of traditional accounting based financial statements and try to maximize their shareholder returns (which in turn stimulates maximizing of return to all other stakeholders) while improving the organizational effectiveness and strategic position related value drivers of their company.
The economic framework based on stock market value is only one of the tool managers should use to make effective management decisions. The strategic and organizational value drivers need to be considered as well and communicated (with due attention and within competitive limits) to security analysts and investors for them to make sensible decisions.
The key strategic value drivers are unique products or services, scale economics, sustainable cost advantages and access to capital. Similarly, organizational value drivers are corporate governance, strategic planning, resource allocation, and performance management and top management compensation.
The area that is often overlooked and need major focus in current Indian economic and corporate environment is adoption of rigorous process to generate the better options (the value drivers that have the highest potential for creating new wealth) and implement only the best options which create high value. Such processes help the company gains tremendous organizational advantage over its rivals. The company work smarter by focusing more effectively on increasing good growth and eliminate time and resource wasting investments in bad growth strategies.
Empirically, the process oriented approach to key value drivers not only result in wealth generation but also results in highly confident management team with winning attitude, superior work force (culture that attract and hold top talent at all level), strong balance sheet that allows the funding of good growth opportunity and an institutional capacity for continually improve performance and meet new challenges.
Interestingly, such value drivers exist in some form in all companies but they are largely underutilized and ineffective in helping the company achieve superior performance. When these carefully designed value drivers are linked to the company’s objective, integrated into common overall process (for dealing with important organizational and strategic decisions) and the other processes (governance, strategic planning, resource allocation, budgeting, and top management compensation), they becomes the co-coordinated elements of a single integrated approach to wealth creation for all stakeholders and help avoid corporate pitfalls that we see nowadays.
The views expressed are personal.
Wrote an article recently on my learning form those days fitting the current market environment......
The Mumbai stock market BSE index which was 20300 on January 1, 2008 dipped to 9903 on January 1, 2009. The market having witnessed the sharp correction is now bravely fighting the corporate scandals.
The market which corrected the euphoria of accounting earning increases and excess capital inflow have to now tackle with the corporate managers solely focused on keeping quarterly earning increase as high as possible to prove that they are the best stewards of the company’s assets.
The market refused to be deceived in the past by accounting techniques to improve earnings and took the sophisticated approach of associating improved long term cash flow with respective share prices and responded with the due correction in share prices.
Now, there might be number of other companies who may take hint from Satyam and try to write off bad investments, despite the negative short term earnings impact. In such cases, the market shall not arbitrarily penalize companies but understand the value drivers of these companies (both over time and compared with other companies), which can help develop insights into the free cash flow generation and likely value creation in future.
The corporate executives shall also overcome the limitations of traditional accounting based financial statements and try to maximize their shareholder returns (which in turn stimulates maximizing of return to all other stakeholders) while improving the organizational effectiveness and strategic position related value drivers of their company.
The economic framework based on stock market value is only one of the tool managers should use to make effective management decisions. The strategic and organizational value drivers need to be considered as well and communicated (with due attention and within competitive limits) to security analysts and investors for them to make sensible decisions.
The key strategic value drivers are unique products or services, scale economics, sustainable cost advantages and access to capital. Similarly, organizational value drivers are corporate governance, strategic planning, resource allocation, and performance management and top management compensation.
The area that is often overlooked and need major focus in current Indian economic and corporate environment is adoption of rigorous process to generate the better options (the value drivers that have the highest potential for creating new wealth) and implement only the best options which create high value. Such processes help the company gains tremendous organizational advantage over its rivals. The company work smarter by focusing more effectively on increasing good growth and eliminate time and resource wasting investments in bad growth strategies.
Empirically, the process oriented approach to key value drivers not only result in wealth generation but also results in highly confident management team with winning attitude, superior work force (culture that attract and hold top talent at all level), strong balance sheet that allows the funding of good growth opportunity and an institutional capacity for continually improve performance and meet new challenges.
Interestingly, such value drivers exist in some form in all companies but they are largely underutilized and ineffective in helping the company achieve superior performance. When these carefully designed value drivers are linked to the company’s objective, integrated into common overall process (for dealing with important organizational and strategic decisions) and the other processes (governance, strategic planning, resource allocation, budgeting, and top management compensation), they becomes the co-coordinated elements of a single integrated approach to wealth creation for all stakeholders and help avoid corporate pitfalls that we see nowadays.
The views expressed are personal.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Physical exercise routine for corporate executive
As the corporate executives reaches the age of thirty five plus we find him struck deep in work routine from morning till evening while chasing the deliverables related timelines. Whatever time is left is used for fulfilling the responsibility toward home and family.
It is during this age that work start taking precedence and executive start to ignore the health for which they have to pay the heavy price later in terms of various health problems resulting in work efficiency loss and mounting medical bills.
Being involved in the corporate world as a full time executive for the last fifteen years, I have found that the key to avoid health problems while keeping the normal office hours is to incorporate the simple exercise routine along with fifteen minutes of brisk walk in the daily life.
The following exercises are suggested for the morning since later in the day business meeting and family obligations may prevent the executive from taking the routine.
1. Triangle Bend
· Stand with feet approximately two to thee feet apart
· Bend sideward and touch the left feet with left hand.
· Raise the right hand straight up while bending the neck to look at the right hand palm.
· Hold for fifteen seconds and return to the original position.
· Do five sets on each side
Benefits: Good for toning up the waist, back, spine and neck area. It also benefits in the diabetic condition.
2. Upper Body Twist
· Sit upright with leg elongated straight in front
· Bend the right leg and keep the foot on ground outside but touching/next to left knee
· Take the left hand over the right leg and make its palm touch the ground
· Put right hand palm on ground behind the back
· Now rotate / twist the chest on the right side so that left leg, chest, both shoulder and right hand is in one straight line.
· Body weight shall be on the bottom.
· Hold for a minute on each side.
· Do three repetitions.
Benefits: It makes the abdominal vertebrae, cartilage and ligaments strong and flexible plus improve the blood flow in the abdomen. It strengthens intestine, muscles around spine and activates nerves.
3. Back Arch with Leg Bend
· Sit with both leg straight in front and hands on the sides with palms touching the ground.
· Put right leg on the left thigh and left leg on the right thigh.
· Take the help of elbows and lie on your back. Try to stretch and arch up the back as much as possible, with Hold on for thirty seconds and then make the back and legs straight to get the body in original relaxed state.
· knee remain touching the ground
· Hold the hands together while the elbows remain touching the ground.
Benefits: Makes neck and back muscles flexible and strong. It also benefits lungs, naval, pelvic region and spinal cord.
4. Upper Body Raise
· Lie down straight on your stomach. Knee and feet of both legs shall touch each other. Palm shall be facing the ground and hands kept on side with fingers pointing in front. The elbow remains touching the side abdominal area.
· Rise up the chin as much as possible while bending the back. Raise the chest and upper abdominal area above the ground till the naval only.
· Later as one gets used to this exercise, he/she can also raise the palm above the ground and make hands straight like an arrow.
· Keep this position for fifteen seconds and after that straighten the bend and slowly bring your chin to the ground.
· Do three to four repetitions with normal breathing. Later on breathing can be put to hold during the exercise.
Benefits: Energizes the upper body and improves digestion. Add flexibility to spinal region and improves blood flow.
5. Lower Body Raise
· Lie down straight on the stomach with the chin touching the ground. Both hands shall be straight on sides with palms facing upward and fisted. Legs shall be straight and toes joined together and facing upwards.
· While breathing in, raise the legs up till the pelvic region. Keep the balance of chin, hand and chest weight.
· Hold for fifteen seconds and come back to the original position.
· Do three to seven repetitions of this exercise.
Benefits: Reduce stress while stimulating the abdominal region. Improves posture and strengthen muscles of back, arm and leg.
6. Seated forward Bend
· Sit with legs straight in front. The calf, knee, ankle and toes of both legs shall be touching and next to each other. Keep the head straight with eyes in front. Also keep the arms down straight with elbows on side and palm facing down while touching the ground.
· Now hold the toe of right foot with right hand and toe of left foot with left hand (Alternatively toes can be replaced by knee in case of problem in bending).
· Breathe out and tuck in the stomach. Now bend forward with your head trying to touch the knee. Hands joints, legs, shall remain touching the ground.
· Hold on for fifteen seconds and come back to the original sitting position.
· Do four repetitions.
Benefits: This exercise is making the muscles stretch and contract to strengthen them. Good for virility and loosing weight.
7. Bow and Arrow Stretch
· Sit upright with leg elongated straight in front
· Bend the right leg and keep it on the left leg.
· Now hold the left toe / thumb with right hand and right leg thumb / toe with left hand
· Breathe in and lift the right foot (by left hand grip) till it touches the left ear (or to the extent possible)
· Hold on for few seconds and then slowly go back to the original position
· Repeat the same with left leg and right hand grip
· Do three repetitions.
Benefits: This exercise is good for joints, thigh muscles and stimulates organs.
8. Skull Shining Fast Breathing
· Sit in the meditation position. Upper body shall be straight and still. Palms shall rest on the knees.
· Tuck in the stomach from the naval region while breathing out fast.
· Breathe in while slowly restoring the stomach to its original position.
· Repeat this action for thirty times in a row / set.
· Take half-minute rest between sets.
· Do at-least two sets (preferably four sets)
Benefits: Helps in blood cleansing, brain purification, reduce stress and prevent illness. Good for digestion, intestine and blood circulation.
As the corporate executives reaches the age of thirty five plus we find him struck deep in work routine from morning till evening while chasing the deliverables related timelines. Whatever time is left is used for fulfilling the responsibility toward home and family.
It is during this age that work start taking precedence and executive start to ignore the health for which they have to pay the heavy price later in terms of various health problems resulting in work efficiency loss and mounting medical bills.
Being involved in the corporate world as a full time executive for the last fifteen years, I have found that the key to avoid health problems while keeping the normal office hours is to incorporate the simple exercise routine along with fifteen minutes of brisk walk in the daily life.
The following exercises are suggested for the morning since later in the day business meeting and family obligations may prevent the executive from taking the routine.
1. Triangle Bend
· Stand with feet approximately two to thee feet apart
· Bend sideward and touch the left feet with left hand.
· Raise the right hand straight up while bending the neck to look at the right hand palm.
· Hold for fifteen seconds and return to the original position.
· Do five sets on each side
Benefits: Good for toning up the waist, back, spine and neck area. It also benefits in the diabetic condition.
2. Upper Body Twist
· Sit upright with leg elongated straight in front
· Bend the right leg and keep the foot on ground outside but touching/next to left knee
· Take the left hand over the right leg and make its palm touch the ground
· Put right hand palm on ground behind the back
· Now rotate / twist the chest on the right side so that left leg, chest, both shoulder and right hand is in one straight line.
· Body weight shall be on the bottom.
· Hold for a minute on each side.
· Do three repetitions.
Benefits: It makes the abdominal vertebrae, cartilage and ligaments strong and flexible plus improve the blood flow in the abdomen. It strengthens intestine, muscles around spine and activates nerves.
3. Back Arch with Leg Bend
· Sit with both leg straight in front and hands on the sides with palms touching the ground.
· Put right leg on the left thigh and left leg on the right thigh.
· Take the help of elbows and lie on your back. Try to stretch and arch up the back as much as possible, with Hold on for thirty seconds and then make the back and legs straight to get the body in original relaxed state.
· knee remain touching the ground
· Hold the hands together while the elbows remain touching the ground.
Benefits: Makes neck and back muscles flexible and strong. It also benefits lungs, naval, pelvic region and spinal cord.
4. Upper Body Raise
· Lie down straight on your stomach. Knee and feet of both legs shall touch each other. Palm shall be facing the ground and hands kept on side with fingers pointing in front. The elbow remains touching the side abdominal area.
· Rise up the chin as much as possible while bending the back. Raise the chest and upper abdominal area above the ground till the naval only.
· Later as one gets used to this exercise, he/she can also raise the palm above the ground and make hands straight like an arrow.
· Keep this position for fifteen seconds and after that straighten the bend and slowly bring your chin to the ground.
· Do three to four repetitions with normal breathing. Later on breathing can be put to hold during the exercise.
Benefits: Energizes the upper body and improves digestion. Add flexibility to spinal region and improves blood flow.
5. Lower Body Raise
· Lie down straight on the stomach with the chin touching the ground. Both hands shall be straight on sides with palms facing upward and fisted. Legs shall be straight and toes joined together and facing upwards.
· While breathing in, raise the legs up till the pelvic region. Keep the balance of chin, hand and chest weight.
· Hold for fifteen seconds and come back to the original position.
· Do three to seven repetitions of this exercise.
Benefits: Reduce stress while stimulating the abdominal region. Improves posture and strengthen muscles of back, arm and leg.
6. Seated forward Bend
· Sit with legs straight in front. The calf, knee, ankle and toes of both legs shall be touching and next to each other. Keep the head straight with eyes in front. Also keep the arms down straight with elbows on side and palm facing down while touching the ground.
· Now hold the toe of right foot with right hand and toe of left foot with left hand (Alternatively toes can be replaced by knee in case of problem in bending).
· Breathe out and tuck in the stomach. Now bend forward with your head trying to touch the knee. Hands joints, legs, shall remain touching the ground.
· Hold on for fifteen seconds and come back to the original sitting position.
· Do four repetitions.
Benefits: This exercise is making the muscles stretch and contract to strengthen them. Good for virility and loosing weight.
7. Bow and Arrow Stretch
· Sit upright with leg elongated straight in front
· Bend the right leg and keep it on the left leg.
· Now hold the left toe / thumb with right hand and right leg thumb / toe with left hand
· Breathe in and lift the right foot (by left hand grip) till it touches the left ear (or to the extent possible)
· Hold on for few seconds and then slowly go back to the original position
· Repeat the same with left leg and right hand grip
· Do three repetitions.
Benefits: This exercise is good for joints, thigh muscles and stimulates organs.
8. Skull Shining Fast Breathing
· Sit in the meditation position. Upper body shall be straight and still. Palms shall rest on the knees.
· Tuck in the stomach from the naval region while breathing out fast.
· Breathe in while slowly restoring the stomach to its original position.
· Repeat this action for thirty times in a row / set.
· Take half-minute rest between sets.
· Do at-least two sets (preferably four sets)
Benefits: Helps in blood cleansing, brain purification, reduce stress and prevent illness. Good for digestion, intestine and blood circulation.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
office based physical excercises
Here are few excercise for executive which can be done while in office. Kindly feedback if you know any more of them.
In case, executive do not get the time in the morning or evening due to hectic non-office hours duty, here are three simple exercises one can do during work hours in his/her office.
1. Twist
· Sit straight on your office chair
· Slowly rotate torso to the right till the right hand reaches behind
· Catch the top right corner of chair with right hand
· Now move the left hand as close as possible to the right hand
· Hold on for fifteen seconds
· Repeat four to six times, on each side
Benefits: Body relaxation.
2. Tummy Twist
· Stand with feet approximately three to four feet apart
· Hold bent elbows down at sides with fists up
· Lean slightly forward and twist sideways with elbows leading the movement
· Keep twisting for thirty to forty five seconds.
· Do at-least three to six sets
Benefits: Relaxes and tones the trunk muscles.
3. Deep Slow Breathing
· Sit in the normal pose on the chair. Upper body shall be straight and still. Palms shall rest on the knees.
· Slowly tuck in the stomach from the naval region while gently and breathing out via mouth
· Gently and completely breathe in via nose while slowly restoring the stomach to its original position
· Hold on for five seconds
· Repeat the cycle for at-least five times (preferably twenty times)
Benefits: Relaxation and stress reduction.
In case, executive do not get the time in the morning or evening due to hectic non-office hours duty, here are three simple exercises one can do during work hours in his/her office.
1. Twist
· Sit straight on your office chair
· Slowly rotate torso to the right till the right hand reaches behind
· Catch the top right corner of chair with right hand
· Now move the left hand as close as possible to the right hand
· Hold on for fifteen seconds
· Repeat four to six times, on each side
Benefits: Body relaxation.
2. Tummy Twist
· Stand with feet approximately three to four feet apart
· Hold bent elbows down at sides with fists up
· Lean slightly forward and twist sideways with elbows leading the movement
· Keep twisting for thirty to forty five seconds.
· Do at-least three to six sets
Benefits: Relaxes and tones the trunk muscles.
3. Deep Slow Breathing
· Sit in the normal pose on the chair. Upper body shall be straight and still. Palms shall rest on the knees.
· Slowly tuck in the stomach from the naval region while gently and breathing out via mouth
· Gently and completely breathe in via nose while slowly restoring the stomach to its original position
· Hold on for five seconds
· Repeat the cycle for at-least five times (preferably twenty times)
Benefits: Relaxation and stress reduction.
Executive Life and Special Diet Items
Beside water which any adults with sedentary day should be taking at least two liter, and adding one full glass for every fifteen minute of physical exercise, the exercise routine of corporate executive shall be complemented by energy food in his diet. The following food items are good source of energy.
· Almonds: No cholesterol but rich in vitamins, protein and iron. Increases energy and mental alertness. Contains mono-saturated fat which is healthy for heart.
· Amla: Contain lot of vitamin C and helps in maintaining vitality, virility, digestion and hair growth. Takes toxins away while purifying the blood and improving the defensive mechanism of body.
· Apricot: Rich in vitamin A and antioxidants it helps increasing energy and stops premature aging. It is good for eyes and heart.
· Broccoli: It is high energy and nutrient rich food. Contains lot of vitamin A, C and K along with phytochemicals and anti-oxidants. Great for detoxing and help prevent cancer.
· Garlic
· Oats: It is rich source of fibre and contains unique fatty acids that helps prevention of cancer, heart disease and improves nervous system.Spinach: Rich in folate, beta-carotene, vitamin C and K. Good for bones and heart plus it help prevention of cancer and arthritis.
· Almonds: No cholesterol but rich in vitamins, protein and iron. Increases energy and mental alertness. Contains mono-saturated fat which is healthy for heart.
· Amla: Contain lot of vitamin C and helps in maintaining vitality, virility, digestion and hair growth. Takes toxins away while purifying the blood and improving the defensive mechanism of body.
· Apricot: Rich in vitamin A and antioxidants it helps increasing energy and stops premature aging. It is good for eyes and heart.
· Broccoli: It is high energy and nutrient rich food. Contains lot of vitamin A, C and K along with phytochemicals and anti-oxidants. Great for detoxing and help prevent cancer.
· Garlic
· Oats: It is rich source of fibre and contains unique fatty acids that helps prevention of cancer, heart disease and improves nervous system.Spinach: Rich in folate, beta-carotene, vitamin C and K. Good for bones and heart plus it help prevention of cancer and arthritis.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
What You Would Like to Opnionate About?
Just checked the traffic to my blog. Not many views but it is expected since i have not advertised it or sent a word of mouth to the circle of friend.
Anyway, it shall be interesting to hear about what you would like to see on this blog?
Feel free to drop your choice on my email id: sanjay030@gmail.com
Anyway, it shall be interesting to hear about what you would like to see on this blog?
Feel free to drop your choice on my email id: sanjay030@gmail.com
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